
Tour to Yunnan in Summer

Science and Technology Museum building area yangtze river tours of ​​3064 square meters total, covers an area of ​​6650 square meters, space pavement area of ​​1080 square meters, green area of ​​2800 square meters, the floor elevation 1938.95 m. Science and Technology Museum is located in the middle of an international outdoor exhibition area, north slope, south of the main travel road 12 meters wide, east and west sides, respectively, and the international outdoor exhibition area with adjacent garden. Combination of land status, science museums in general and the ring screen cinema hall is divided into two parts, the exhibition tour along the main road back 40 m rectangular layout, designed for the small square in front, around the square to green, comedy, flag off the environment atmosphere; ring designed spherical screen cinema, exhibition hall is located right in front of a fruit metaphor. Science and Technology Museum to "gardening and Technology" as its theme, showing mainly divided into the preamble, the gifts of nature, history, Review, wisdom, and create an oasis of life, wings of five parts. The main exhibition hall for the reinforced concrete frame structure, the height of 7.5 meters, a large area with white and glass exhibition hall floor doors and windows, setting the top of the cone 12 meters in diameter glass roof light, sunlight can penetrate into the interior to meet the central green area lighting ; ring-screen theater is divided into two layers, the bottom of the coffee shop and lounge, two-story hall for the movie screen, movie screen hall contour the body using steel truss ring, silver-gray aluminum composite surface, diameter of spherical video hall 24 meters, can accommodate 230 spectators.

Greenhouse, and a total construction area yangtze river cruise tour of ​​3630 square meters, covers an area of ​​2,400 square meters, floor elevation 1932 meters. Greenhouse is the main entrance of the central axis of the Expo, and Expo doors, Park Boulevard, Century Plaza, in a line, an important symbol of nature and landscape. Greenhouse design reflects the distinctive flavor of the times. Divided into four zones, namely, exhibition of tropical plants, temperate plants exhibition, exhibition of alpine plants (elevation 3,000 meters above the plants) and picture galleries. Three plants from small to large exhibition area, a high degree of order increases, but also in turn increase the roof slope to form a spiral upward trend, implying that the harmonious coexistence between man and nature of the dialectical law. Elevation changes using elevation processing, sub-layout, boreal exhibition 8-12 meters 10-16 meters exhibition temperate, tropical exhibition 10-20 meters, breaking the monotony of building a sense of shape. According to three climatic zones and ecological requirements of plant growth environment, the level of the exhibition and interior changes, set the roof slope, suitable for the rational distribution and ecology of plant space requirements. Visitors can tour through the glass from the outside, but also into the indoor environment and demonstrate the full integration, from a different angle to enjoy the natural scenery as clever ingenuity. For more information, please shift to China Tailor Made Tours

